Work-Life Harmony: A Real Possibility or Just a Catchphrase? Read Mathilda's thoughts on it
In today's busy life, we all wrestle with finding the right balance each day. Mathilda Smith, who has been with Epical for four months, not only works as a consultant full-time but has also achieved a great work-life balance by winning the Finnish championship in Wellness Fitness. We were curious to hear her story, learn how she excelled in both areas, and to get some advice on how we can all adopt a mindset for a better work-life balance.
1) Introduce yourself shortly; who are you and what is your current role at Epical?
My name is Mathilda and I am currently working as a consultant at Epical. I started in August, and I have 2.5 years of experience in the consultancy world. I began my career in May of 2021, and since then have been working in a multitude of different data roles.
2) Could you describe what your typical workday includes?
My typical workday includes consulting with clients, discussing their needs as well as what is plausible and in what timeframe. I then produce reports that the client requests, and manage the data that is then displayed on these reports.
3) You have recently had great success in the Wellness Fitness competitions. How did you manage excelling at work and in fitness competitions simultaneously?
It's easy to say "motivation" is the reason why I had such success. But the reality is, it takes so much more; discipline is the key driver. Once I decided I wanted success in both my career as well as bodybuilding, I knew I would make it happen. The most important factor was time management, and making sure I stick to the schedule.

4) What drives your dedication to both work and fitness goals?
My dedication towards both comes from my drive to always succeed. I am not, however, afraid to fail. Being afraid of failure limits people in every aspect of their lives. In fact, the beginning of my competition season started with failure. My first two competitions (mind you, this was my first competition season ever) went really badly. Although in the moment I felt like throwing in the towel, I decided to keep pushing which resulted in the title of Finnish Champion. From there, I went on to world championships, and placed 6th. This was a huge achievement for me, one that I was very proud of! Now in the future, I know I can balance my work with this fitness lifestyle, and can trust the process will work itself out.
5) How does your work environment contribute to your success in both work and wellness?
The fact that I had so much positivity and support around me on my team definitely motivated me to keep going. Coworkers cheering me, following my results online and being genuinely happy on my behalf definitely made me realize that I had their support from the beginning, and will continue to do so when I compete again in the future. The fact that I was able to work remotely while away at world championships cemented the fact that Epical supports me and my hobbies, and allows for me to achieve my dreams whilst putting in a full day's work.
6) Any advice for those trying to balance work and personal wellness based on your experiences?
Make sure to draw a hard line as to where work is invited in your life. If you start work early in the morning, don't feel obligated to stay late in the evening too, just because others are. Work can be a priority, yes, (and should be) but remember - we work to live, don't live to work. Remember it is important to prioritize other aspects of your life as well, such as hobbies, family, down time. Sometimes, it's ok to say 'no, not right now' especially during more stressful/eventful moments in your life. Sometimes it'll be the right time to pour all your energy into your work, other times, other things take priority, and that is ok.